Unleashing Your Child’s Potential: The Surprising Benefits of Martial Arts Training
Martial arts could very well be the key to unlocking superpowers within your child, although not in the way comic books might suggest. As you consider extracurricular activities, you might not immediately think of martial arts as a go-to option, but the benefits it offers extend far beyond the dojo.
Self defense skills and confidence help avoid abduction
Roseleen Finneran, has credited Marsden Martial Arts with giving her son the skills and confidence to get away from a potential abduction. Charlie is only three, but
How Covid 19 saved a relationship
A friend was going through a divorce, she was is a school teacher, and her husband owned his own business. The marriage was not going well.
My thoughts after a year of starting Martial Arts
A year after starting Martial Arts We've been asking a few of our members about how their training has been here at Marsden Martial
BBC Sheffield Interview on the Nowt So Strange As Folk Show
BBC Sheffield Interview on the "Nowt So Strange As Folk!" Show We were recently asked to appear on the BBC Sheffield "Nowt So
1400 and climbing
1400 and climbing Thank you Facebook followers. Today, our Facebook page surpassed 1,400 likes! This makes us extremely proud, that so many people are