How Covid 19 saved a relationship

How Covid 19 saved a relationship

A friend was going through a divorce, she was is a school teacher, and her husband owned his own business. The marriage was not going well. Then came Lockdown, and both their work stopped, overnight. They were soon to be parted and go their separate ways, when Lockdown forced husband and wife to spend time together, and they found they still loved each other and liked each others company, because they had time for each other. Interesting, they were not getting divorced because they were not compatible, they were getting divorced because of pressures from outside of their relationship, their time consuming, stressful jobs.

Lockdown has given some of us time, ‘time’ we didn’t have before lockdown, to think about our priorities, and ask what is really important to us, and realise we want to have a different life after lockdown.

Then, of course, as our lives are starting to get back to some normality, before we know, we are where we were before COVID 19 struck, and all that time we had to think and plan to change is gone. We are back to the same routine.

But, let us just pretend, what if ‘things’ could be different, permanently, after lockdown, what would you change, how you spend your time, take a few moments to think?

What did you think about? Spend more time on relationships? More time on your body? More time, appreciating?
What are we doing with our time, after Lockdown?

Some have found we need far less to live than we thought, less food, less money, less going to the pub, and with the beautiful weather, less time indoors, even though the alternative has been our back garden.

So, how do we make this post-COVID change permanent?

We begin by understanding the difference between long term planning, ‘strategic thinking’ and short term, day to day plans, ‘tactical thinking’.
Before lockdown, we did a lot of day to day thinking and really didn’t have the time or were ‘not rested enough’ to think about what we wanted long term.

So now some of us have had time to want something different post-COVID, let us say that we have decided we want more time with someone, relaxed, carefree, exciting, enjoyable time.

We achieve this long lasting change by bringing something new into our lives, something that we didn’t have before COVID19. Something that simulates ‘lockdown’. Like in a pretend way so that we have to spend time together, without the distraction of work, just a friendly place to be, and a common activity to spend time with people we bring with us or finding new ‘like minded friends’ to share a goal with.

This is why we created Marsden Martial Arts in Chesterfield, for all people, the youngest student is 3 years old and the oldest 91 years old. It is important everyone feels comfortable and yet challenged, so you have 27 classes a week to choose from, there is a class that is just right for you. You will never hear a swear word, only respectful, polite, welcoming support.

You can attend virtual classes in your own home, in a group or individually and then train when the lockdown is lifted, or continue to train ‘virtually’.

The idea is you will be able to have fixed, ‘just you time’ for you and with anyone else you wish to spend time with. Also, you are getting fitter, and if you have never trained before, you have a lesson designed just for you, if you are superfit, then likewise there is a lesson just for you. And you are learning a ‘new’ useful skill.

Final thought

Some of us have had time to reflect about ourselves and think about the life we want to lead after Lockdown, if you are interested in change for the better, please click the button below. To encourage you to follow up on your interest, we will include free stuff, like a free Uniform if you simply click on the link below for more information should you join.


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